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Wellis® Swim Spa & Hot Tubs Miami


Phone (844) 910-2136
Address 7850 NW 32nd St, Unit C,
Doral, FL 33122-1108 United States


Luxury Miami Hot Tubs for Sale

When you’re looking for a hot tub dealer in Miami, you don’t just want cheap, you want something that’s high quality and built to last. Wellis® Spa hot tubs and swim spas are the highest quality on the market, and our prices are extremely competitive compared to other hot tub stores and spa brands. We offer FREE local delivery & a starter pack welcome gift that comes with every order!
Not sure if you're ready to buy a Wellis hot tub or swim spa? Try before you buy! Call to schedule a test soak.
Wellis Spa is a world-renowned brand that has been creating luxury spas since the early 2000s with a focus on comfort, aesthetics and energy-efficiency. Visit our hot tub store in Miami to learn how to unlock a new level of wellness in a Wellis®.

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